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Modcloth is an American e-retailer that was founded by Susan Gregg-Kroger and Eric Kroger. They sell affordable, independent designers' clothing and are based out of Pittsburgh, PA. ModCloth has an indie, retro, and vintage inspired kind of style that separates it from most modern retailers. They want women to feel confident while standing out and being true to themselves. ModCloth has built a strong community by utilizing blogging, interactive contests, and active involvement in social media sites. Even though they are so successful, they are hoping to expand their sales through a pop-up store and give customers a new experience to interact with their clothing.
As a group comprised of graphic and interior designers, we collaboratively conceptualized an effective campaign to launch ModCloth's very first pop-up store. Sojourn means a "temporary stay," referring back to the pop up's journey to a more confident individual and also the store itself, which moves from city to city.
Here are the renderings of our pop-up space along with supporting design elements, including signage, directional infographics, and packaging. Through the packaging, I wanted to give shoppers an experiene they would never forget. Each purhcase of jewelry and shoes comes in this custom box, reminiscent of a retro suitcase used for travfeling and covered in tourist stickers. I also designed necklace packaging, comoplete with a quote that relates to our in-store signage, and a survival kit that every girl can utilize on her night out.